Entries from 2018-01-01 to 1 year

Why Hangovers?

The term hangover refers to a constellation of undesirable and unpleasant symptoms that can establish after drinking too much alcohol. Those symptoms can range from mild discomfort to the more serious signs explained above.There is no set …

Most Used Treatments for Alcohol Dependence?

Traditional Medicine for Alcohol DependenceTreatment for alcohol addiction can start only when the alcoholic accepts that the issue exists and agrees to quit drinking. He or she must realize that alcohol addiction is curable and should be …

Notions On Alcohol Consumption In Our Daily Lives

When we think of alcohol or alcohol addiction, the primary thing that pops into our thoughts is that it is damaging and needs to be avoided.The first thing that comes to our mind is that it is bad and needs to be kept away from when we thi…

Several Indications Of A High Functioning Alcoholic

While alcoholism is a disastrous condition that can destroy lives, a number of people who battle with it manage to keep big responsibilities and stressful jobs. From the outside, these so-called high-functioning alcoholic s seem to have it…

2O Good Reasons To Stop Drinking Immediately

Alcoholism is a chronic and deadly disease. After prolonged exposure to alcohol, the brain adjusts to the changes alcohol produces and eventually becomes reliant on it. The craving for alcohol may be as unyielding as the requirement for fo…

Alcohol Use and Your Health

Drinking excessively can hurt your health. Exorbitant alcohol consumption led to approximately 88,000 deaths for around 2.5 million years of potential life lost annually in the United State of America from 2006-- 2010, shortening the lives…

One in five adult Americans have cohabitated with an alcoholic relative while growing up.

In general, these children are at greater danger for having emotional problems than children whose parents are not alcoholics. Alcohol addiction runs in households, and children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely than other children to …